Kreativnost kao sredstvo za stvaranje boljih uslova života u zajednici.
Camp location: Zacapoaxtla
Work: Social, Environmental, Festival
Dates: 5.07-18.07.2017.
Number of volunteers: 10
Languages: English, Spanish
Extra fee: 180EUR
Age: 18-99
Description of work: *To work together with the festivitie *To clean a nature reserve in Hueytamalco *To visit rural schools in order to create cultural, artistic and teaching spaces. *To visit an old people´s home so you can attend this vulnerable sector.
Food and accommodation: The accomodation will be provided by families from the municipality, with all the facilities including telephone, internet and hot water. The food will be prepared by the people from the community.
Location and leisure: Hueytamalco, Puebla. In the leisure time it will be possible for the volunteers to get to know Cuetzalan, which is a magical town.
Requirements: Good disposal to the team work, dedication, be responsible and enthusiastic to work with children and adolescents.Bring clothes adequate for the activities.
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