Sustainable Development Forum in Belgrade

The Sustainable Development Forum conference is organized by The University Club for UNESCO. It is a voluntary, non-profit association, founded in 2013 in order to achieve UNESCO goals from its program and directive. The Club was founded by students from Belgrade, Serbia.

Starts: February 24, 2016
Ends: February 27, 2016

The deadline for Applications is 31st January 2016.
 Sustainable Development
Open tostudents, young professionals, academics, NGO and private sector representatives,  as well as other interested individuals from across the world.
Age: 18-35

Keynote speaker: Sir Paul Judge – Alderman of City of London, Key Benefactor of Judge Business School, Cambridge University – more info about his biography on the website

The aim of the conference is to prepare students and leaders in sustainability, education and culture to generate knowledge to improve student opportunity, achievement, and success. University UNESCO Club prepares smart and passionate individuals to become transformative leaders in these fields. We bring experts from different fields in order to provide expert dialogue, knowledge and experience sharing, as well as bridging on future potentials.

Why should you participate?
  • Access to the knowledge: gain access to the information, knowledge, experience and expertise
  • Enlarge your network: conferences provide an excellent opportunity to develop contacts and to network with high level experts
  • Connect to the media: many media and social network representatives will be present
  • Act globally: give international visibility to local problems allows more resources to be mobilized to resolve them
  • Cooperate & coordinate your efforts: cooperate and join your forces with others to attain your objectives.
  • Find partners: identify and meet potential partners
  • International recognition: earn UNESCO University Club Master Class Certificate
  • Enjoy and share passion – Discover breathtaking Belgrade

Conference Fees
  • Local participants (Serbian citizenship): 6,500 RSD
  • International participants: 99 EUR + 35 EUR for hostel accommodation
The fee covers:
  • Meals and refreshments
  • Conference materials
  • Participation Certificate
  • Social activities
Agenda: click here
To Apply, please fill the form here.


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