10 PhD positions in the field of Political Science – Bielefeld University

Open Positions10
Time Span01 Oct 2017 for 3 years
Application Deadline11 Jun 2017
Type of Position
  • PhD – Doctoral Programme
Field of Research
  • Language and Cultural Studies
  • Law, Economics, and Social Sciences
SubjectsPolitical Science, International Relations, History, Sociology or Legal Studies
DescriptionThe Research Training Group ‘World Politics: The emergence of political arenas and modes of observation in world society’, funded by the German Research Council (DFG), invites applications for

10 doctoral positions (fixed-term, starting October 1, 2017, E13 TV-L).

Doctoral position tasks:
– The main task is to conduct research for a project with a topic connected to the research scope of the RTG
– Participation in the academic programme of the RTG
– Participation in obligatory degree programme

We are looking for highly motivated researchers with doctoral projects that fit in the Research Training Group (RTG). The RTG invites original proposals from the fields of Political Science/International Relations, History, Sociology, and Legal Studies that contribute to its research programme (for detailed information, please consult http://www.uni-bielefeld.de/soz/iw/gk/index.html).

An inter-disciplinary orientation of research projects is encouraged. The RTG’s working language is English. Successful candidates are expected to complete their doctoral dissertations within three years. The RTG offers an intensive research environment. In addition to employment, it offers limited support for organizing workshops, conference travel, and research stays abroad. There are also limited opportunities for some post-doc funding after completing the doctoral dissertation within three years.

Terms of employment
Salary will be paid according to Remuneration level 13 of the Wage
Agreement for Public Service in the Federal States (TV-L). As stipulated in
§2 (1) paragraph 1 of the WissZeitVG
(fixed-term employment), the contract has a maximum duration of 3 years. In
accordance with the provisions of the
WissZeitVG and the Agreement on
Satisfactory Conditions of Employment, the length of contract may differ in
individual cases. The employment is designed to encourage further academic
qualification. The doctoral positions are advertised as a 65 % part-time job. In principle, this full-time position may be changed into part-time position, as long as this does not conflict with official needs.

Bielefeld University is particularly committed to the career development of its employees. It offers attractive internal and external training and further training
programmes. Employees have the opportunity to use a variety of health, counselling, and prevention programmes. Bielefeld University places great importance on a work–family balance for all its employees.

Application Procedure
Further information on the application process can be found at
Applications – in English – must be
submitted online by 11 June 2017.
Please mark your application with the
identification code wiss17016.

RequirementsWe expect:
– an academic degree (Master or equivalent) in Political Science, IR, History, Sociology or Legal Studies
– an excellent command of English
Working Language
  • English
Language of Dissertation
  • English
Required Documents
  • CV
  • Reports, certificates
  • Transcripts
  • Letter of Motivation
  • Research Proposal
More Informationhttp://www.uni-bielefeld.de/Universitaet/Aktuelles/Stellenausschreibungen/Anzeigen/Wiss/wiss17016_english.pdf



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