Learn German and Spend Your Summer in Bavaria

Open to: students and young scientists from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia and Ukraine with basic German knowledge
Scholarship: course fees, accommodation and a food allowance


The Bavarian Academic Center for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe is a cooperative institution of all Bavarian universities, universities of applied sciences and art academies. They provide information about research cooperation, coordinate academic relations with Eastern Europe and support academic exchanges between students and scientists.

The institution strives to promote and intensify cooperation in research and teaching with universities in Eastern Europe and to establish new contacts with potential partners. 

Before applying, review the schools listed at the website and name two summer courses in your application form that you will be able to attend as far as dates are concerned. On receipt of the scholarship you will be allocated one of the two chosen courses. The organizers will try to adhere to your preference, but cannot give any guarantee. Please note that places at all courses have restricted numbers. Courses in Bamberg and Augsburg demand a minimum knowledge of B2 (rather C1). All other courses are offered for all course levels.

Augsburg Germany old townscape.


Students and young scientists with the nationality of the following countries: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia and Ukraine. Applicants have to be enrolled or employed at a university of these countries at the time of application. They should have basic knowledge of German (at least A2-level).


The scholarships include the course fee, accommodation and a small allowance for foodTravel costs, insurance and visa costs will not be reimbursed.

How to apply?


The following documents are required:

  • An online application form that is filled-in completely (it is not needed to send a printed version of the online application form by post);
  • letter of motivation concerning your participation in a German language course in Bavaria (in German or English, 1-2 DIN A4 pages);
  • tabular CV with a recent passport photo;
  • proof of previous exams (i.e. a copy of your study book or university transcript). A translation or authorisation of these documents is not necessary;
  • proof that you are currently enrolled at a university in your home country (i.e. copy of current transcript or student ID);
  • proof of German proficiency of at least A2-level (any certificate/letter proving your German knowledge will be sufficient)
  • photocopy of your passport or ID-card;
  • Optional: A proof of internships or voluntary work.

Please do not send the originals of these documents, but copies only. You do not need to have them translated or certified legally. Application deadline is 20th March 2017 , meaning that all documents have to be at the BAYHOST office by then.

Please send your documents to the following address:

BAYHOST, Stichwort: „Sommersprachkursbewerbung“

Application documents sent by fax or e-mail will not be considered.

For more information please visit official website



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