Omladinski trening u Velikoj Britaniji (troškovi pokriveni)

Centar za razvojnu politiku i saradnju (CRPS) ima zadovoljstvo da Vas pozove da se prijavite na konkurs za omladinski trening “Digital Entrepreneurship Project: Empowering Disadvantaged Young people with Resourceful Digital Skills” koji će se održati u Mančesteru u Velikoj Britaniji od 18. do 27. jula 2019. godine.

Pravo prijavljivanja i učešća imaju svi mladi iz Srbije starosti od 23 do 30 godina. Prijavljivanje se vrši popunjavanjem aplikacione forme ispod poziva.

Organizator snosi troškove vize, smeštaja i hrane.
Učesnicima će biti refundirani putni troškovi u visini do 360 evra.
Planirana je trodnevna poseta Londonu i Liverpulu.
Radni jezik je engleski.Slanjem aplikacije izjavljujete da se slažete sa uslovima prijavljivanja i učešća.
CRPS će kontaktirati samo kandidate koji udju u drugi krug selekcije.Važni datumi:
14.04-30.04.2019 (23:59) – Rok za prijave.
10.-15.05.2019 – Kontaktiranje odabranih učesnika.
15.05.2019 – Rok za uplatu participacije (u iznosu od € 35) za odabrane učesnike.
20.05.2019 – Predstavljanje programa i potpisivanje ugovora o učešću.
25.-28.05.2019 – Grupno viziranje i timske aktivnosti u Beogradu
18.-27.07.2019 – Program Digital Entrepreneurship Project: Empowering Disadvantaged Young people with Resourceful Digital SkillsMolimo Vas da sva vaša pitanja u vezi konkursa pošaljete u pisanoj formi na email: [email protected] sa nazivom „UK-2019“ najkasnije 5 dana pre isteka roka za konkurisanje (25.4) i ljubazno se uzdržite od bilo kakvih telefonskih poziva ili ličnih poseta.


“Social entrepreneurship for sustainable growth among disadvantaged youths” is part of the long-term project called “Youth Challenge Project“ for a sustainable and inclusive growth” of young people in less serviced areas in participating countries.
‘SPP’ aimed at creating a sustainable network of partners who will collaborate in order to spread, support, reinforce and advocate through participants on the project who are vibrant and at the core front of social transformation in their respective countries to project Socialentrepreneurship model in the drive for sustainable development at the local and European levels for disadvantaged young people.
The learning/training programme adopts non-formal education methods, encouraging active participation of disadvantaged young people in the Youth Exchange Programme in Manchester, involved in pedagogical activities such as Ice-breakers, energizers, inputs from experts, Inter-cultural and experiential learning, variety of visuals for thematic inputs, brains-storming and discussions both in working groups and in plenary session to encourage effective collaboration and skills acquisition.
Experiential activities will challenge participants, working together in groups to create hypothetical social businesses during the “Social Enterprises Game“ in which they will build and fashion out their own socio-preneurship identities, create their own corporate social structures and identify it’s impacts on the society.
‘SPP’s impact and outcomes is felt by participants, their immediate local communities and organizations; skills learnt is transferred and replicated at all levels of their organizational strata and communities through delivering of 5 social events, workshops.



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