Call for participants in Seminar about Bullying

Centre for Education and Society Advancement is issuing the call for participants from Serbia in the Erasmus+ seminar Young professionals! Say no to bullies!!!”.

Type of activity: Erasmus+ KA1 Mobility of youth workers: seminar

Date:10 -17 November 2016 (arrival day: November 10, departure day: November 17)

Place:Lublin City, Poland

Participating countries:UK, Greece, Ukraine, Latvia, Egypt, Macedonia, Serbia, Armenia, Italy, Romania, Hungary, Belarus, Russia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Poland.

Financial aspects:The accommodation and meals are fully covered by the project. The travel costs will be reimbursed to the participants upon providing all the original documentation (tickets, invoices etc) in Polish zloty up to the equivalent of 275 Euro.

Selected participants from Serbia are paying annual membership fee of 20 Euro to the Serbian organization if they haven’t done it in 2016. The annual membership fee allows participants to take part in all the activities provided by CEUD.

Seminar about Bullying

The project

The project  “Young professionals! Say ‘no’ to bullies!!!” is a multiactivity project aimed at people who work with the youth,managers, young people who are entering job market, people connected with organisations, who support the victims of mobbing, bullying, discrimination or sexual harassment.

The idea of the project reflects the needs of young people entering the job market and encounter difficult situations in the work environment and don’t have enough knowledge about  their rights that labour legislation guarantees them. In regions with relatively high rate of unemployment the problem of mobbing, sexual harassment and discrimination is worrying. Lack of information and knowledge among young people about how to manage difficult work environment might have serious consequences on a psychological and health level.

The main project objectives are to:

– increase the knowledge on harassment, discrimination, bullying, sexual harassment,

– increase the knowledge on the consequences of the above-mentioned,

– increase the knowledge on causes of the problem,

– increase the knowledge on personality of the bullies and people, who harass and bully others in the workplace,

– increase the knowledge on the methods of working against these phenomena,

– increase the knowledge on the process of victimization and abuse

– increase the knowledge on the situations at workplace in different countries,

– increase the knowledge on the rights and civic freedom

– increase the knowledge on good practices in mobbing and discrimination prevention,

– increase the knowledge on the cultures and traditions of partnership countries,

– develop the communication skills of the seminar participants,

– increase the social conscience,

– change the attitude towards the leading topics of the seminar,

– becoming more open to cultural differences.

The participants profile

  • At least 18 years old;
  • Occupation: youth workers, NGO leaders and staff members, university students, teachers, volunteers working in youth field;
  • Some experience in the field of youth work (volunteering, participation in youth national or international activities) will be an advantage;
  • Strongly motivated to participate;
  • Fluent in English;
  • Able to attend the whole seminar.

The Venue

The seminar will be hosted in Lublin city, Poland. You can get to Lublin by plane ( see webpage of the Lublin Airport) or you can travel to Warsaw Chopin Airport or Modlin Airport (about 40km from Warsaw city centre).

From Warsaw to Lublin you can take the train – tickets can be bought on-line 30 days before the travel, or you can take the bus (PolskiBus).

 The Programme

During the seminar we will use the methods of non-formal education and will combine theoretical and practical workshops, individual and group tasks, open spaces, reflections. It will include the following topics and sessions:

  1. World cafe – Presenting yourself and your sending organisation
    2. Problem areas – the exchange of experience and information on the actual situation in each participating country
  2. Harassment and Discrimination
  3. Exchange of good practices in combating harassment and discrimination
    5. Developing debating skills
  4. Panel discussion on an agreed topic
  5. Multicultural market (presentation of your country and culture)
  6. Lectures open to broad public on one of the proposed topics:
  • “Bullying and harassment at work”
  • “Discrimination, when is when is not.”
  • ” Sexual harassment examples in working places”
  • “Positive communication and intelligent management of staff as a key to healthy working atmospfare”
  • “Health consequences of harassment”
  • “About victimization process”
  • “Unemployment as a reason of Labour market pathology”
  • “Methods of counteract” and „ Successful cases”.
  1. Daily reflection sessions and final evaluation

What to prepare in advance

Presentation of the sending organization: each national groupwill present the history and working areas of the sending organization. The presentation shall be prepared with the national coordinator.

Presentation of the discrimination/harassment situation in own country

Multicultural market: The program foresees multicultural market so be prepared to creatively present your country.

Application Form No Bullies


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